The Desire for Difference
Many people are eager to satisfy their desire for difference; ladies with big-name brand products that show off their sense of fashion to the rivals, the intellectual elite that display their careers and title so as to distinguish them from the general public, bosses that flaunt their influence frequently to confirm the subordinates' loyalty (you can observe those bosses everywhere from a monkey mountain to Washington, D.C.) etc.
The Difference Between Cause and Reason
What is the difference between reason and cause? Have you thought these are similar terms to explain something? Philosophically these two should be distinguished.
The Difference Between Anxiety and Fear
Anxiety and fear are similar feelings that we have of danger, but they are not the same. It is when you come short of information on danger that you are anxious about it, and when you have enough information on it, you are not anxious but just cautious about the fearful danger.